We accept residents that hospitals, inpatient hospices, or other congregate living providers may not be able to serve due to the individual’s lack of resources, medical or mental health condition, or substance use disorder.

Solace Home

Solace Friends operates Solace Home, an adult family home licensed by the State of Wisconsin that can serve up to four residents at one time.

We provide housing and caregiving for individuals who have six months or less to live and are facing housing insecurity.

Residents come to Solace Home from living on the street, in shelters, or unstable housing situations.

We accept residents that hospitals, inpatient hospices, or other congregate living providers may not be able to serve due to the individual’s lack of resources, medical or mental health condition, or substance use disorder.

End-of-life Care

Prior to admission, residents choose the hospice agency that manages the plan of care related to their terminal condition.

Our staff and volunteers help with personal care needs, medications, meals, laundry, companionship, and person-centered emotional and spiritual support.

Mission to Serve

No one is denied admission to Solace Home if theyare unable to pay. For residents with private income sources, daily fees are based on a sliding scale. For residents with public funding income sources, feesare based on the rate negotiated between Solace Friends and the payor source.

Admission Criteria

A potential Solace Home resident must meet the following criteria:

Exclusion Criteria

A person cannot be accepted at Solace Home if:

To Make a Referral to Solace Home:

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